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Paul Ryan
State Represented: WI
Party: Republican
Service Start: 1999 End: 2019
Representative Notes:
Speaker of the House (2015 - 2018)
2018-Apr-11: Announced he would not seek re-election
District / Senate Seat Notes:
Paul Ryan in the news
2018-Dec-14 | Paul Ryan pushes for thousands of Irish visas |
2017-Aug-05 | Bipartisan group seeks to fix ObamaCare problems |
2017-May-17 | Ryan hushes McCarthy on Putin paying Trump |
2015-Oct-29 | Paul Ryan elected Speaker of the House |
Bills sponsored or contributed to
Votes on bills we've discussed
Disapproving the Stream Protection Rule (2017: HJRes-38) | House Vote | Vote: Yes |
Regulatory Accountability Act (2017: HR-5) | House Vote | Vote: Yes |
REINS Act (2017: HR-26) | House Vote | Vote: Yes |
Save American Workers Act (2015: HR-30) | House Vote | Vote: Yes |
Cyber Intelligence Sharing (CISPA) (2013: HR-624) | House Vote | Vote: Yes |
American Taxpayer Relief Act (2012: HR-8) | House Vote | Vote: Yes |
Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (2010: HR-3590) | House Vote | Vote: No |
Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance (2010: HR-4853) | House Vote | Vote: Yes |
Jobs and Growth Tax Relief (2003: HR-2) | House Vote | Vote: Yes |
Economic Growth and Tax Relief (2001: HR-1836) | House Vote | Vote: Yes |