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Elections: Voting
2021-Oct-16 CO voting officials barred over machine tampering
2021-Jan-022021-Jan-03Trump demands Georgia "find" extra votes for him
2020-Nov-17 Elecion security chief reports no fraud. Trump fires him.
2020-Nov-16 Lindsey Graham asks if Georgia can toss ballots
2020-Nov-112020-Nov-13Trump lawsuits aim to raise doubt - and money
2020-Oct-302020-Nov-03TX Republicans sue to invalidate 125,000 ballots
2020-Oct-12 CA: Republican party installs illegal ballot drop-boxes
2020-Sep-012020-Nov-09GA purged 200,000 voter registrations in error
2019-Sep-10 North Carolina: Republican wins re-do House election
2019-Aug-302019-Sep-10Election monitoring agency prevented from acting
2019-Jun-122019-Jun-25"Deepfake" videos could influence elections
2019-Jun-06 Republican malintent in gerrymandering and census?
2018-Nov-05 Kris Kobach funded by white supremacists
2018-Nov-05 Georgia: Fake Oprah Winfrey robocalls by antisemitic group
2018-Nov-01 ND law disenfranchises thousands of Native Americans
2018-Oct-26 Kansas city moves polling place, directs voters to wrong site
2018-Oct-25 NY Rep. Zeldin tells people to vote on wrong day - again
2018-Oct-11 Republicans pose as communists, donate to Democrats
2018-Oct-102018-Nov-02GA candidate - also overseeing election - blocks 53,000 voters
2018-Aug-30 Trump says there will be violence if Democrats take control of Congress
2018-Jan-04 Trump dissolves Election Integrity Commission after lawsuits
2017-Dec-28 States may not have enough time to prevent election hacking
2017-Sep-20 Trump nominee "almost certainly" voted illegally
2017-Jul-17 Voting fraud fabricator named to investigate voting fraud
2016-Nov-01 Write-in vote could be world's quietest protest
2016-May-26 Making federal election days national holidays
2015-Jun-29 Supreme Court ruling could make Congressional districts competitive
2012-Jul-18 Voter ID places insurmountable barriers to millons