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Health Care Policy
2021-Jun-17 Supreme Court keeps ObamaCare, dismisses lawsuit
2021-Feb-10 Biden reverses Trump position on ObamaCare lawsuit
2020-Nov-022020-Nov-06Georgians to lose access to
2020-Mar-022020-Mar-06Supreme Court again to decide fate of ObamaCare
2019-May-012019-May-06It's official - Trump administration wants ObamaCare dead
2019-Mar-252019-Mar-28Trump administration agrees with court to nullify ObamaCare
2018-Dec-142018-Dec-17Judge rules ObamaCare unconstitutional
2018-Nov-14 Another Republican lawsuit threatens ObamaCare
2017-Oct-12 Reimbursements for low-income coverage to stop
2017-Sep-26 Latest ObamaCare repeal attempt pulled
2017-Sep-192017-Sep-26Senate giving ObamaCare repeal big final push
2017-Sep-14 Sabotaging ObamaCare could cause steep premium jumps
2017-Sep-01 ObamaCare repeal attempts likely over at month's end
2017-Aug-11 House announces new attempt to repeal ObamaCare
2017-Aug-05 Bipartisan group seeks to fix ObamaCare problems
2017-Jul-28 Senate fails to pass ObamaCare repeal
2017-Jul-25 Senate votes to debate ObamaCare replacement
2017-Jul-18 ObamaCare safe for now - but what next?
2017-Jun-27 Senate postpones vote on ObamaCare replacement
2017-Jun-22 Senate reveals ObamaCare replacement
2017-May-05 Trump praises Universal Health Care system
2017-May-04 House passes ObamaCare replacement bill
2017-Apr-13 Planned Parenthood protection revoked
2017-Mar-30 House will pay ObamaCare subsidies it fought to withold
2017-Mar-24 ObamaCare replacement pulled minutes before vote
2017-Mar-20 ObamaCare replacement would cut health care, benefit wealthy
2017-Feb-212017-Mar-05Trump passes on first real chance to end ObamaCare
2017-Jan-202017-Jan-24Trump order demands ObamaCare changes. What changes?
2016-Oct-242016-Nov-17ObamaCare premium increases - the reality
2015-Jun-25 Supreme Court preserves ObamaCare subsidies in all states
2015-Mar-25 ObamaCare exchange users will need to reconcile with IRS
2015-Mar-042015-Mar-05Supreme Court hears case that could cost millions health insurance
2015-Feb-20 Extended enrollment period for ObamaCare insurance announced
2015-Jan-09 House passes bill to relax ObamaCare employer requirements
2015-Jan-02 IRS wants you to reconcile your ObamaCare subsidy
2014-Dec-07 ObamaCare premium jumped? How to cure it.
2014-Jul-09 Insurnace buyers on exchange not told of narrowed networks
2014-Jun-302014-Jul-10Court: Corporations entitled to religious protections
2013-Dec-17 Senate bill would provide for health care to every American
2013-Nov-152013-Nov-16President to allow people to keep existing health insurance policies
2013-Oct-02 States refusing Medicaid expansion leave poorest uncovered
2013-Sep-29 ObamaCare opens for business October 1
2013-Sep-22 Exchanges: Cheaper insurance but with fewer doctor choices
2013-Aug-202013-Aug-21Administration delays ObamaCare out-of-pocket protections
2013-May-08 Governent makes hospital prices public for first time
2013-May-07 Several states refusing funds to provide health care to neediest
2013-Apr-30 How to apply for health insurance under "ObamaCare"
2013-Apr-01 Insurance choices likely to be delayed a year
2013-Apr-01 "ObamaCare" means new terminology
2013-Mar-14 Government releases forms for applying to insurance exchanges
2013-Mar-14 Higher health insurance premiums face individuals
2013-Feb-12 New health care practices lowering costs
2012-Dec-13 World life expectancies increasing - U.S. lags behind
2012-Sep-07 New medical care delivery model saves patients, money
2012-Jul-28 Doctor shortage challenges increased coverage