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Deutsche Bank

A German bank (the name Deutsche Bank is literally german for German Bank). It is one of the largest banks in the world.

Deutsche Bank has been linked to money laundering schemes involving Russian oligarchs. It also was the only bank willing to lend money to Donald Trump at a time when nobody else would - and while Trump still owed the bank hundreds of millions of dollars and was suing the back to relieve that debt.

Referenced by...
Court: President can't ignore subpoenas (2020-Jul-09)
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy Resigns (2018-Jun-27)
Mueller subpoenas Deutsche Bank data (2017-Dec-05)

Energy company created in 1985 and dismantled due to bankruptcy in 2001. Before declaring bankruptcy, Enron used fraudulent accounting practices to make it appear to be profitable. Accounting firm Arthur Anderson helped enable the deception by approving Enron's financial reports.

The Enron case was one of the prime motivations for the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Kantar Media

An company that analyzes advertising in the media. Their Campaign Media Analysis Group analyzes advertising for political campaigns.


A social media organization used mostly for provessionals and companies to display information related to their businesses.

Mazars USA

Accounting firm for Donald Trump

Referenced by...
Court: President can't ignore subpoenas (2020-Jul-09)

U.S. defense contractor specializing in weapons and electronics.


A social media organization that allows users to broadcast messages of up to 280 characters (prior to November 2017 the limit had been 140 characters).

Twitter messages are referred to as tweets.

Former president Donald Trump was famous for using Twitter as a medium to vent personal anger and to make policy declarations (not all of which he acted on).

Referenced by...
Twitter suspends Marjorie Taylor Green for vaccine lies (2021-Aug-10)
Twitter permanently bans Donald Trump (2021-Jan-08)
Russian charged with interfering in 2018 elections (2018-Oct-19)
COVFEFE Act would make presidential tweets official records (2017-Jun-12)
Washington Examiner

An explicitely conservative newspaper. It is owned by Phil Anschutz, who also owns the conservative magazine The Weekly Standard.

For more, read this story.

Washington Free Beacon

A conservative website. It was founded by Paul Singer - a major Republican donor.

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