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Thanksgiving Turkeys

Date: 2018-Nov-22           Author: Barry Shatzman

My friends know me too well, so it didn't surprise me when one who happens to like Donald Trump implored me to "let's not do politics on Thanksgiving".

My response was to find this on someone's Twitter feed...

... and say "Yeah! Let's not be like this guy!"

That was the all-too-easy reply. Here's what i really wanted to say...

... If nobody is going without food today
... If nobody is celebrating Thanksgiving under a bridge because they're homeless
... If nobody is watching a loved one suffer because they couldn't afford health care
... If nobody's child is drinking polluted water
... If nobody is suffering from storms and fires fueled by climate change
... If members of our military aren't being ordered to give up their Thanksgiving...
... to prevent people fleeing deadly conditions from requesting safe asylum here
... If journalists who report on all that aren't being verbally and physically assaulted

... then i'll joyfully give it a rest for the day.

But tell ya what. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, i'll compromise and just leave you with a quote about the holiday's name...

There, but for the grace of God, go I.

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