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1099IRS Form 1099
990IRS Form 990
AATFAirport and Airway Trust Fund
AAUWAmerican Association of University Women
ABAAmerican Bar Association
ACCAmerican Chemistry Council
ACEAffordable Clean Energy Rule
ACLUAmerican Civil Liberties Union
ACUSAdministrative Conference of the United States
ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act
AEIAmerican Enterprise Institute
AFFHAffirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
AGAttorney General
AGIAdjusted Gross Income
ALDFAnimal Legal Defense Fund
ALECAmerican Legislative Exchange Council
AMAAmerican Medical Association
ANSPAir Navigation Service Provider
ANWRArctic National Wildlife Refuge
APAssociated Press
APAAdministrative Procedures Act
APAAmerican Psychiatry Association
APRAnnual Percentage Rate
APWUAmerican Postal Workers Union
ATDAlternatives To Detention
ATFBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
ATSDRAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
AVRAutomatic Voter Registration
AWCACA: Assault Weapons Control Act
BDSBoycott, Divestment, and Sanctions
BLMBureau of Land Management
BLSBureau of Labor Statistics
BOEMBureau of Ocean Energy Management
BOPFederal Bureau of Prisons
CAACongressional Accountability Act
CACConstitutional Accountability Center
CAFECorporate Average Fuel Economy
CAPCenter for American Progress
CAPPSCalifornia Association of Private Postsecondary Schools
CARBCalifornia Air Resources Board
CBCCongressional Black Caucus
CBDCenter for Biological Diversity
CBOCongressional Budget Office
CBPU.S. Customs and Border Protection
CBPPCenter on Budget and Policy Priorities
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
CEAPresident's Council of Economic Advisers
CEICompetitive Enterprise Institute
CEQPresident's Council on Environmental Quality
CFAConsumer Federation of America
CFPBConsumer Financial Protection Bureau
CHIPChildren's Health Insurance Program
CIACentral Intelligence Agency
CISACybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency
CMSCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services
CNPPCenter for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
CO2Carbon Dioxide
CPIConsumer Price Index
CPPClean Power Plan
CPSCConsumer Product Safety Commission
CRResolution - Continuing
CREWCitizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
CRFBCommittee for a Responsible Federal Budget
CRPCenter for Responsive Politics
CRSCommunity Relations Service
CRSCongressional Research Service
CSRACivil Service Reform Act
CTCChild Tax Credit
CTIAThe Wireless Association
CWAClean Water Act
CWSRFClean Water State Revolving Fund
DACADeferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
DEADrug Enforcement Administration
DEERSDefense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
DHSDept of Homeland Security
DIADefense Intelligence Agency
DMCADigital Millennium Copyright Act
DNFSBDefense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
DNIDirector of National Intelligence
DoDDept of Defense
DOEDept of Energy
DOIDept of the Interior
DOJDept of Justice
DOLDept of Labor
DOMADefense of Marriage Act
DoSDept of State
DOTDept of Transportation
DSHDisproportionate Share Hospital Program
DSTDaylight-Saving Time
DWSRFDrinking Water State Revolving Fund
EACElection Assistance Commission
EBEmergency Extended Benefits
ECOAEqual Credit Opportunity Act
EEOCEqual Employment Opportunity Commission
EFFElectronic Frontier Foundation
EITCEarned Income Tax Credit
ENDAEmployment Non-Discrimination Act
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency
EPIEconomic Policy Institute
EPOExclusive Provider Organization
ERICElectronic Registration Information Center
ERISAEmployee Retirement Income Security Act
EROCEnd Rape on Campus
ERSEconomic Research Service
EUCEmergency Unemployment Compensation
EWGEnvironmental Working Group
FAAFederal Aviation Administration
FAAFederal Arbitration Act
FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation
FCCFederal Communications Commission
FCMPFamily Case Management Program
FCPAForeign Corrupt Practices Act
FDAFood and Drug Administration
FDICFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FECFederal Election Commission
FEMAFederal Emergency Management Agency
FERCFederal Energy Regulatory Commission
FHAFederal Housing Administration
FHFAFederal Housing Finance Agency
FinCENFinancial Crimes Enforcement Network
FISAForeign Intelligence Surveillance Act
FLRAFederal Labor Relations Authority
FLSAFair Labor Standards Act
FOIAFreedom of Information Act
FOSTAFight Online Sex Trafficking Act
FRAFederal Railroad Administration
FSAFarm Service Agency
FSISFood Safety and Inspection Service
FSOCFinancial Stability Oversight Council
FTAFederal Transit Administration
FTCFederal Trade Commission
FVRAFederal Vacancies Reform Act
FWSU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
G20Group of 20
GAOGovernment Accountability Office
GCFU.N. Green Climate Fund
GCRAGlobal Change Research Act
GDGender Dysphoria
GDPGross Domestic Product
GHGGreenhouse Gas
GPOGovernment Publishing Office
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GSAGeneral Services Administration
HERAHousing & Economic Rights Advocates
HHRSAHealth Resources and Services Administration
HHSDept of Health and Human Services
HMOHealth Maintenance Organization
HSAHealth Savings Account
HUDDept of Housing and Urban Development
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency
ICAImpoundment Control Act
ICEImmigration and Customs Enforcement
IEEPAInternational Emergency Economic Powers Act
IFAInternational Franchise Association
IG / OIGInspector General
IG ActInspector General Act
ILABInternation Labor Affairs Bureau
IMFInternational Monetary Fund
IOBureau of International Organization Affairs
IO/HRHOffice of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
IPABIndependent Payment Advisory Board
IPCCIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IRIInternational Republican Institute
IRSInternal Revenue Service
ISPInternet Service Provider
IVRCInterstate Voter Registration Crosscheck
JCTJoint Committee on Taxation
KKKKu Klux Klan
LFOLegal Financial Obligation
MATSMercury and Air Toxics Standards
MedPACMedicare Payment Advisory Commission
MIPMortgage Insurance Premium
MMRMeasles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine
MUFMaterial Unaccounted For
NAACPNational Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NARNational Association of Realtors
NASNational Academy of Sciences
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NCFMNational Coalition for Men
NCOANational Change-of-Address
NCSLNational Conference of State Legislatures
NCTCNational Counterterrorism Center
NEPANational Environmental Policy Act
NGONon-Governmental Organization
NHTSANational Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NICSNational Instant Criminal Background Check System
NIFANational Institute of Food and Agriculture
NIHNational Institutes of Health
NLEOMFNatonal Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
NLRANational Labor Relations Act
NLRBNational Labor Relations Board
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPCANational Parks Conservation Association
NPPCNational Postal Policy Council
NPRNational Public Radio
NPRMNotice of Proposed Rulemaking
NRANational Rifle Association
NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission
NRCSNatural Resources Conservation Service
NRDCNatural Resources Defense Council
NSANational Security Agency
NSIDCNational Snow & Ice Data Center
NSISNew Swine Slaughter Inspection System
NTCNational Trade Council
NVRANational Voter Registration Act
NWLCNational Women's Law Center
NWSANational Woman Suffrage Association
OCCRPOrganized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project
OCEOffice of Congressional Ethics
OCSLAOuter Continental Shelf Lands Act
OCSPPOffice of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention
OECDOrganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OFMOffice of Foreign Missions
OGEOffice of Government Ethics
OHCHRU.N. Human Rights Commission
OIGOffice of the Inspector General
OLCOffice of Legal Counsel
OMBOffice of Management and Budget
ONRROffice of National Resources Revenue
OOCOffice of Compliance
OPMOffice of Personnel Management
ORROffice of Refugee Resettlement
OSCOffice of Special Counsel
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
OSTPOffice of Science and Technology Policy
OVWOffice on Violence Against Women
PACPolitical Action Committee
PBGCPension Benefit Guarantee Corporation
PDBPresident's Daily Brief
PHMSAPipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
PPACAPatient Protection and Affordable Care Act
PPOPreferred Provider Organization
PPPPaycheck Protection Program
PPSAPhysician Payments Sunshine Act
PRAPresidential Records Act
PRACPandemic Response Accountability Committee
PRCPostal Regulatory Commission
PSCProgram Support Center
PSRPhysicians for Social Responsibility
RFAIRequest For Additional Information
RFRAReligious Freedom Restoration Act
RNCRepublican National Committee
SAVEStop Abusive and Violent Environments
SBASmall Business Administration
SCFUSPS: Sectional Center Facility
SCHIPState Children's Health Insurance Program
SCOTUSSupreme Court
SDWASafe Drinking Water Act
SECSecurities and Exchange Commission
SIXState Innovation Exchange
SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
SPLCSouthern Poverty Law Center
SPRStrategic Petroleum Reserve
SSASocial Security Administration
TANFTemporary Assistance for Needy Families
TARPTroubled Asset Relief Program
TIGTATreasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
TSATransportation Security Administration
TSCTerrorist Screening Center
TTBAlcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
TTITexas A&M Transportation Institute
UACUnaccompanied Alien Children
UCSUnion of Concerned Scientists
UHCUniversal Health Care
UIUnemployment Insurance
UNUnited Nations
UNRWAU.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
USAGMU.S. Agency for Gobal Media
USAIDUnited States Agency for International Development
USDADept of Agriculture
USGCRPU.S. Global Change Research Program
USPSU.S. Postal Service
USSCU.S. Sentencing Commission
USSRSoviet Union
VADept of Veterans Affairs
VAERSVaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
VAWAViolence Against Women Act
VPNVirtual Private Network
WHCAWhite House Correspondents' Association
WHDWage and Hour Division
WHOWorld Health Organization
WICWomen, Infants, and Children Program
WIPOWorld Intellectual Property Organization
ZTEChina: Zhongxing Telecommunications Equipment

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