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Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act

Bill NumberHR-2

Enacted - Signed by the President

Read the Bill (Reading difficulty: Hard)

Sponsor & Key Contributors
William (Bill) Thomas

Related Issues...
Understanding Tax Rates

Text of the Bill

Full text of the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act.
Warning - this is not easy to read. One thing we hope to do is advocate bills that most people will be able to understand with a reasonable amount of effort.

Other names for this bill...

The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act also is known as...

o This bill was part of a series of bills referred to as the Bush Tax Cuts

Major provisions of the bill

The major effect of this bill was to speed up the gradual tax rate reductions called for in the 2001 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (HR-1836). Those include...

o The highest marginal tax rate was immediately reduced to 35 percent.

o The highest tax rate on capital gains was reduced to 15 percent (from 20 percent).


This bill maintained the sunset provisions of the 2001 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (HR-1836)

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